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A Sleeping World: Out of Character

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RP Defibrilator [08 Jul 2010|12:17pm]

Is anyone ever going to actually play or has this game just died?
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A brief hell-atus [04 Jul 2010|01:08am]

[ music | Jessica Simpson - Take My Breath Away ]

I just wanted to keep everyone in the loop that I won't be online very much until July 6th. My internet went out around 3:30 this afternoon, and Comcast can't send a tech out until Tuesday morning and hopefully it'll be fixed then. So until it's fixed, posts and tags will be done while I'm at work (I work Sunday-Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday nights this week). I'm currently in a room at work that my fellow night auditor gave me, and I'll try to get some tags that I owe done now.


Sam Winchester

PS: Have some gifs )

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[19 Jun 2010|03:43am]

Hi everyone! Spoon here with Caelwyn, Allistair's wife! She's a Dragon Age character and her info can be found here! I'm excited to start this game and chattin' with everyone! I'm sure there are some of you I know, so I'll be happy to start RPin' with you guys again! ^_^
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[18 Jun 2010|01:18pm]
Hi all! Alex here with currently a whopping five characters. Damn I feel greedy :P

First of all

Pansy Parkinson. She's from the Harry Potter series and is 17, coming straight from the final battle at Hogwarts. She's a queen bee, obsessed with fashion, clothes, gossip, dark arts, Draco etc. Complete profile is here

Then I have

Anne Boleyn. She's from The Tudor's and comes from when she is 23 and has just recently become a Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Katherine. Her journal is [info]youngestboleyn

Luke Skywalker. He's from Star Wars movies and comes in before the whole Ep4 happens so.... he has no idea who Ben, Leia, Han etc is. His journal is [info]a_sky_walker (yes I was originally going to have Anakin :P)

Uther Pendragon. He's from the TV show Merlin and comes from the end of season one. He's journal is [info]king_uther

Finally I have

Michael. He's from the movie Legion which I'm currently obsessed with. He's an Angel (yes that Michael). He loves humans and believes they are amazing people. He's also pb'd by Paul Bettany and yes that deserves a mention. His journal is [info]protectshumans

My AIM is still moonsdreaming and Email is still idreamofthemoon@gmail.com

Also if you have any questions feel free to ask away :)
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Introductions and Re-introductions [14 Jun 2010|05:37pm]

Hi everyone! My name is Matt, and I'll be bringing you four more characters. Some of you already know me *coughAlexcough* and some of you don't, but I'm excited to start playing with all of you.

So, here are my boys:

First off we have King Allistair Theirin of Ferelden [info]warden_not_king from Dragon Age: Origins. He's your typical courageous, charismatic leader type, but he's also got a strong sense of morality and a lot of religious influence.

Next, for you Sailor Moon fans, we have Darien Shields aka Tuxedo Mask [info]your_endymion. I've adapted him more from the American version of the anime than the Japanese, but I'll be taking elements of both. He's quiet, and doesn't always get on so well with Usagi, but he feels a very strong attachment to her either way.

Third is the infamous Agent 47 of Hitman fame ([info]hitman_agent_47). He's quiet, and has a hard time interacting with people, but if he's told to kill you, there's no chance of survival. He's cold as ice, but trying to learn to be more human.

Last is Wayne ([info]red_eye_killer) from the Capcom video game Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. He's about 120 years old because he was frozen inside of his giant robot for 100 years. He's cocky, but not quite to the point of arrogance, and very determined. He fancies himself to be the best VS (Giant Robot) pilot in the universe, and isn't afraid to prove it.

If anyone would like to plot anything *nudges Usagi-mun* feel free to ping me! My AIM and email are both wasurenaikara182@gmail.com
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